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Unit 9 Discussion Board 1 _Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Unit 9 Discussion Board 1 _Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Q Unit 9 Discussion 1 Crime Prevention Categories Select one or more of the following problems and describe how one technique from each of the five general situational crime prevention categories (for example, increase risk, increase effort, reduce rewards, reduce provocations, and remove excuses) could be implemented to reduce the opportunities for this problematic activity: Shoplifting at a major retailer. Theft of purses at a hospital.

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Shoplifting is a vital issue which poses huge problem for retail businesses. Most retail stores invest in CCTV cameras, armed security guards and many anti-theft technology and devices. On one hand it is not possible completely to keep the store 100% theft free but yes certain situational crime prevention strategies can be applied to control the thefts. It is very important to remain alert particularly in those times when the rush is high. The problem with the identification of the shoplifters is that they don’t look shabby like conventional thieves. They will wear good clothes like you and me or even better.